## History
[+Michael Müller](http://plus.google.com/100248120190419917394) and I ([+Daniel Sachse](http://plus.google.com/111539570029928730042)) encouraged the [+JUG Cologne](http://plus.google.com/104855103747757515618) to participate in the #AdoptAJSR program. The overall goals are to review the upcoming specifications, test implementations, develop material to help other people getting started and spread the word about Java.
We started this year with the „Adopt-A-JSR Kickoff – JSR #346 a.k.a. CDI 1.1“ on January, 18th 2013 where I introduced the #Adopt-A-JSR program, made an 1h introduction to CDI 1.0 and also showed the first example sources by Luigi Bitonti.A week later, +Michael Müller and Imre Oßwald gave an introduction to JSF 2 and also showed the updates of JSF 2.2 to the community, especially HTML5-Support.Each JSR working group within the +JUG Cologne came up with their own thoughts about what they can contribute back in a collaborative way. As neither JSF nor CDI can live alone, we decided to join forces and build a comprehensive application with other JSRs included – „Foodeys“ was born.What is it about?The story about Foodeys is told quickly: We want to provide a recipe search engine where you can enter some ingredients and get recipes back according to your query. Additionally there has to be a way to add new ingredients to the database and create new recipes. For adding stuff, one would also need login credentials even if the implementation is very basic. Otherwise we won´t be able to for example have a look at other recipes by the same cook.
## How do we want to build it?
We use Github as collaboration platform where we host the full source code, track issues, have a wiki and discuss.The technological basis is JavaEE 7. For the first functional features we will use JSF 2.2, CDI 1.1, EJB 3.2 and JPA 2.1. We are also thinking of adding support for JAX-RS 2.0 including JSON-P (JSR #353).At the moment we use +GlassFish 4.0 as Application Server as it is the Reference Implementation. We also want to provide support for the upcoming JBoss AS 8 (or whatever it is called) and the next +Apache TomEE.We are working on a support for an In-Memory database like hsqldb and also „normal“ one like MySQL. One developer also suggested MongoDB, but as this works outside of JPA we postponed this to a future version.We do test the Application with +Arquillian and embedded Glassfish at the moment. I prodived a slot in my own Jenkins as CI Environment.
## What can you do?
A lot! Everybody interested in Java EE is encouraged to contribute to this project as it will hopefully test the implementations in an early stage. The specifications should by now all be in Final Draft state or somewhere near that so we do not expect big changes on this side anymore.You can provide ideas what can be done, propose and review architectural decisions, implement tickets, document functionality and test what has been done. This is your time to actively make Java EE 7 a wonderful release right from the beginning.So, keep coding and have fun.Thanks for reading,Wombat
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